Monday, April 9, 2012

Kailene Power
Mrs. Smith
Creative Writing
March 30, 2012
The Mismatched Converse
Two shoes, that’s what they were. They were two mismatched converse. A red one and a grey one. They sat in the closet for weeks. They were used but never used together. One night, somehow something strong made just the two of them come alive. The sole kind of split for a mouth and eyes came from the tongue. They longed to hug and be worn together but they knew it would never happen. They would stare at each other for hours in the closet. They wish they matched and could be worn together but at the same time they loved that they were so different. They were falling in love.
Finally, their owner, a seventeen year old girl, had a spirit day coming up and luckily her school colours were red and grey. She was wearing a red bandana, grey skinny jeans, and a red t-shirt with her last name on it, and red high socks. Now she just needed her footwear. The anticipation of wondering who would be picked, or if their luck would be picked together was crazy. She picked up the red pair to wear them but looked down and thought one of each looked rather well together. She walked out put the red pair on but took them off right away. She walked back to her closet, opened the door, and finally grabbed the two different shoes and put them on. They were smiling inside to each other. Finally they were together.
When they got back to the closet they realized they would never have that opportunity again. They frowned, and then smiled at the thoughts of their day. Their eyes closed, mouth turned shut, and went back to being the shoes they were.

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