Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Fortune Cookie

I opened my fortune. It read – your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return. Repeat: Say nothing to anyone. I crumbled up the small piece of paper and threw it into my bag without question. Of course that was made up, the fortunes from this restaurant never came true anyways, even the ones I hoped would, never did seem too. I continued to eat my dinner with my family, but I could only think about the fortune cookie and what it was telling me to do. What made this one different? I had received a fortune once a week for the past couple of years, ever since my family started ordering Chinese every Thursday.  I pushed the thought out of my head for the rest of dinner and decided I would distract myself with homework once finished. I unzipped my backpack and opened up my agenda book to see what I had to do, that’s when I saw the note. The note that hadn’t been there Friday afternoon when I jotted down my homework.  The note that read:
I’m not a very patient person. I don’t like to wait. You’ve taken much too long; I said you must leave immediately. Pack your bags now and head downstairs, you don’t want something bad to happen to your family.
Listening to whoever this mystery person was, I packed my bags and headed down the stairs quietly so no one would hear. And that’s when I saw him. I cringed at the sight and wanted to run back inside my house immediately but I knew if I did, he wasn’t lying, he would hurt my family. So I gathered up all the courage I had and stepped out the door whipping away my tears, as I headed toward his pick-up truck.
To be continued… 

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